Changing Lives One Smile at a TIme Since 1985

Treatment for Cleft Lip or Cleft Palate


Typically, surgery is done to close the gaps in the lip and/or palate. Cleft lip repair usually happens when the baby is a few months old, while cleft palate repair is often done between 9 and 18 months. During this time, surgery to correct hearing problems and hearing aids are fitted to help the children develop speech.

Feeding Support

Special bottles and nipples help infants with cleft lip or palate feed more efficiently. Additionally, during our clinics our nutrition experts come and speak to families about proper teeth brushing and nutrition. Often times we provide children with their first tooth brush!

Speech Therapy

Therapy helps children develop clear speech and language skills, often starting around 6 to 12 months.

Hearing Tests

Regular hearing checks are needed because fluid in the middle ear is standard and can affect hearing.
Regular hearing checks are needed because fluid in the middle ear is standard and can affect hearing.

Dental and Orthodontic Care

As the child grows, ongoing dental care and orthodontic treatment may be needed to ensure proper tooth alignment and oral health.
Regular hearing checks are needed because fluid in the middle ear is standard and can affect hearing.
In Mexico, children may need extra support if they also have cleft palate &/or cleft lip due to the widespread issue of dental caries in the young population, which affects 70% to 85% of 12-year-olds. Dental care is an essential component of our mission and is offered free of charge to all who need it.

Our differentiators

Community-Oriented Approach

Volunteer-driven on both sides of the border bringing together doctors, nurses, and students to continually service the needs of local children with our permanent presence in Ensenada.

Lifelong Commitment

TSF follows the patient throughout their life with check ins and additional services and care.


Comprehensive care for cleft palate and lip

Multi-disciplinary solutions complete with ENT/audiology/orthodontia/prosthetics/surgeons/dentistry/nutrition/careers).


TSF has the support and expertise from renowned institutions including UCLA/ Loma Linda Health/ UCSD/ SDSU).

Multiply the Smiles

Your Support Makes a Difference

We have surpassed our one thousand smiles mark and performed over 2,000 cleft palate surgeries and an additional 20,000 dental visits. And we couldn’t have done it without you.